Entries in The Antlers (1)


Songs for Wednesday // The Lighthouse and The Whaler and The Antlers and more

Words // Adam Sharp

'Venice'- The Lighthouse and The Whaler
You need a song for a summer mix? Here it is.
Website: http://thelighthouseandthewhaler.com/

'The Park'- These United States
People should really be talking about this song more- it's one of the finest I've heard this year.
Website: http://www.theseunitedstates.net/

'Drift Dive'- The Antlers
Dreamy and hazy, sure, but also light and refreshing. Like sitting in the heat and drinking a cold beer.
Website: http://antlersmusic.com/

'Welfare'- Tom Eddy
Tropical vibes, finger snaps and falsetto crooning sound so damn tremendous during the dog days of summer.
Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tom-Eddy/157745187623506


'Knives'- Lemolo
Guys and girls: this new Lemolo album is one of the best I've heard this year. You need it in your ears.
Website: http://lemolomusic.com/
bandcamp: http://lemolomusic.bandcamp.com/track/knives

'July 4, 2004'- Jason Anderson
This is my favorite song I've ever 'found' on the internet. By far.
Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jason-Anderson/64170803880