Entries in John Heart Jackie (1)


Songs for Wednesday: The Lumineers, Wake Owl and more

Words // Adam Sharp

The Lumineers - "Ho Hey"
For the last year or so this had been at the top of my 'Songs I’ve Seen Awesome Videos Of But That Aren’t Yet Properly Released’ list.  I'm pretty happy it's off that list.  (website)


Wake Owl - "Gold"

It's pretty simple: this is an absolutely great song. You need to hear it.  (website)

Wake Owl - Gold 


These United States - "A Day To Float The Bahnar Boat"
There are songs that sound like lazy days. This is one of them.

These United States - A Day To Float The Bahnar Boat  


Blind Pilot - "Half Moon" (for Yourstru.ly)
I wish every band would go into a studio for a day, rework an already great song, and then film it, cause the finished product here is just phenomenal.  (website)


John Heart Jackie - "Working Titles" (Damien Jurado cover)
Jennie and Peter of John Heart Jackie were so moved by Damien Jurado 'Working Titles' on first listen that they quickly laid down this absolutely gorgeous, simple cover of it before it was properly released this week. It's fun to know bands you like are fans just like you.  (website)