Entries in Giselle (1)


Songs for Monday // Allo Darlin', Blessed Feathers and more

Words // Adam Sharp

'Europe (Live at Holy Trinity Church)'- Allo Darlin'
Nothing sounds quite as perfect with summer fast approaching as a gorgeous voice and a uke.
Website: http://allodarlin.com/

'Heaven'- The Walkmen
No frills, just plain old rock and roll.
Website: http://thewalkmen.com/home/

The Walkmen - Heaven from oof video on Vimeo.

'Hey! All You Floridians'- Blessed Feathers
Because sometimes the best place to air your grievances with the entire population of a state is in a 4 minute song.
Website: http://www.blessedfeathers.com/

'Highways'- Silver Tongues
A hollow, haunting hymn that isn't.
Website: http://thesilvertongues.com/

'Silk'- Giselle
Like a dream. A drifting, beautiful, dreamy dream.
website: https://www.facebook.com/music.giselle